Wednesday, May 24, 2006


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Brink of Extinction

The Hunt is on…
I mean can’t you tell?
With the fatherless households
dilapidated neighborhoods
glorified drug usage and addition to retail
Rampant joblessness, HIV swells
high dropout rate and abundantly filled jails
Systems set up for him to fail
To fall on his beautifully onyx face and to breathe in debris
conditioning him to be –
ultimately turning his heart away from
everyone and everything
including you and me

The Hunt is on…
I mean can’t you see?
Law enforcement shoot to kill because of his pigment
Ones who look like self do the same and it’s straight ignorant
Man, I ask you
What happened to the days where street brawls were common
and a man could live to fight another day?

Majestic Prince of the Sahara sands – STAND!

Where is your love –
for your people?
Show us!
Your connection –
to your people?
Lead us!
Your passionate strength and birth right responsibility
to uplift your race
By example, triumphantly leading the way
Where are you?
What happened ya’ll…
Has he gone and left us astray?
I mean have we come this far to have bred a race of cannibals?
Where he the young, the old, and the foolish carry guns to
Steal, kill, and destroy!
Sound familiar?
This trend is one of an evil nature
…but the devil is not at fault
The ebony male is under attack
– internally and externally –
and he and we
are suffering as a result

Oh yes ya’ll!…, ah yeh-yes ya’ll!

The Hunt is on…
I mean does anybody care?
About his welfare?
His visible despair?
That this species makes the Department of Corrections multi-billionaires?
That it is shareholders primary interest to keep him there?
That his life is likened to a baseball game – 3 strikes and you’re outta here?
Not much thought is given in the court system to if his home life was fair
If so, it’s inadmissible – who cares?
It’s quite possible Hip-Hop or null raised him and is at the root of his degradation
His mental devastation
He ranks lowest in primary education
He’s last chosen in orphanage to home placement
That his self-esteem has been mangled and scarred from behavior by this nation
That he’s guilty until proven innocent in a justice situation
That his race is only 12% of the nation
Are you aware of all this shit that he is facing!?
George Dubya enacted the “No Child Left Behind” act
Where is the “No Black Male Left Behind” act?
For his face in the higher educational system lacks
And I ask where is his ethical treatment organization?
PETA exists for the dogs, rats, and cats
You can ask Vick about that…
The government saved the black bear, the black rail bird, and the black-footed ferret
Where is the rescue organization for the man – Black?
For his denial to vote, obtain school loans or decent employment
after paying his debt with freedom denied
For his socially accepted police brutalization, and unjustified homicides
For his federal mandatory sentences for the first possession of Crack?
Not heroine, not murder, not rape, not pedophilia and that’s fact!
Are they lesser crimes?
Swim in that…
Now listen closely to hear the shareholders snickering
trying to hold their laughs back

The Hunt is on…
And in case you didn’t know
– the African male is the prey
Mentally Revolutionize
– You and I have to try –
Be he transformed by the renewing of his mind
I need for him to try
Because he is on the brink of extinction
and if he dies…
– She dies

Oh yes ya’ll!… ah yeh-yes… yes ya’ll!


Tara S. Gause aka Poetic Goddess Tara Shenéa
© 2006. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

Izache said...

As a so-called outsider, looking in, this is a destruction that is unbearable for me to watch! The black man was systematically set up to fail by a monster machine that is now being run on autopilot, or as they would have us believe, because they keep slinging that slogan that, "things are different NOW"...yeah okay!
I believe that it all starts with the mother...meaning it lays in our hands, to make sure that the boys we give birth to are well informed of the past his-story and our-story. I feel that is the only way we will ever break the invisible chains that have been passed down to our seeds. I say ours, because hispanics are being attacked too...our youths have been filling up the prison system for a long time also. I tell my mom often, at the end of the day, hispanics are targeted and seen as disposable just as other so-called minorities are too.
Strength begins in the fibers of the brain, I believe, and not in the tone of muscle. We have to start by bringing in our children off the streets and educating them to the truths that will not be told to them in the class rooms.
Hey sis, I'm not preaching to you, just sort of thinking out loud here. I love this poem you wrote! It's 2009, but we must never allow the powers that be to lull us into a sense of security, because I believe that behind the scenes, they stay fine-tuning there diabolical plans for world domination, lol, you know what I mean, conspiracy theories can be funny at times, but the truth is scary and deadly queen. But I know you I'm not preaching just agreeing with you. I have a three year old son, and this world makes me scared for him. I plan to arm him with the knowledge of what God intended him to be, in hopes that he is not blinded by the bling of the streets.
Power To Our Peoples!!!